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Peat Pellets Made From Sphagnum Moss Peat Article June 22, 2024 at 4:18 am 2024-06-22T04:18:03-04:00
alternative energy tutorials
Alternative Energy Tutorials

Peat Pellets from Sphagnum Moss

Peat Pellets Made from Sphagnum Peat Moss

biomass energy iconRenewable energy technologies play an important role in modern industry and social livelihood, and their variety is huge. In particular, solar and wind energy are as wide spread as traditional fuels in contrast to biomass energy, which is a prerogative of certain countries, engaged in the production and trade of peat pellets from sphagnum moss.

The brightest image of such an issue is fuel pellets industry, which appeared at the end of the 20th century. Specifically, this term and industrial field was introduced in Germany. To date, fuel pellets are recognized as biofuels of standard cylindrical shape used for heating of households.

Peat Pellets from Sphagnum Moss
Peat Pellets from Sphagnum Moss

As prices on oil and gas get higher, the demand on fuel peat pellets increases, especially in the European countries, where their Eco-friendly features are highly appreciated.

Besides cheaper low cost prices, ecological compatibility is the most valuable advantage of this type of renewable energy. During combustion of the peat pellets, the amount of carbon dioxide gas is equal to its absorbed amount during the growth of the tree.

To be more precise, pellets might be made of peat, wood or agricultural waste. In this case, one can get familiar with such items as peat pellets, biomass wood pellets or sawdust pellets that are united under the term of “fuel pellets”. In addition, one more benefit might be defined, which features practical usage of timber factories’ run-off. It appears to be a basic material for pellets’ production.

Speaking of the production process, it is important to mention a pressing method. Initially, wood or peat wastes are broken to pieces and milled. Then this mass is dried out and put into pellet pressing machine, where it forms pellets according to the national standards. Indeed, most of the exporting states follow their own certificates of standard and quality. In this context, it is appropriate to mention the United States, Germany, Austria, and the United Kingdom as major players on the market of fuel pellets.

On the contrary, Ukraine and Russia are also significant producers, but these countries do not have any standards established by now and, therefore, they follow German example. The most common items of such certificates point out pellets’ diameter ( 6,8 or 10 mm ), moisture ( 8 – 12% ), ash-content ( 0,5 – 1,5% ), production capacity ( 650 – 750 kg ) and thermal value ( 4100 – 4300 Kkal/kg ).

Being environmentally friendly type of energy, fuel peat pellets gained big popularity in the European Union, where installation of peat pellet burning stoves and boilers is supported on national level, including government grants. In many countries, focused on renewable resources advancement, nearly 2/3 of private households and countryside cottages are heated by wood or peat pellets.

Germany is a vivid example of how fuel pellets have influenced on states policy, which nowadays encourages both production and import of the product, as well as an establishment of power stations in the nearest future based on fuel pellets heating. Last year German producers have reached the point of 1,9 million pellets; 1,4 million were consumed within the country.

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3 Comments already about “Peat Pellets From Sphagnum Moss

  • i think you should clarify what you mean by “Being environmentally friendly type of energy”, “eco-friendly features”, and “renewable energy”.

    Peat is literally a fossil fuel (“A fossil fuel is a hydrocarbon-containing material formed naturally in the Earth’s crust from the remains of dead plants” – source wikipedia 2023-03)

    Peatland is one of the largest stores of carbon on the surface of the planet, draining (killing) bogs you release their carbon into the atmosphere, and again when you burn the peat. This is worse than using any other fossil fuel as you’re reducing their ability to absorb and store carbon, while releasing all the carbon they have stored into the atmosphere.

    I personally don’t mind the use of fossil fuels, but your claims arent just wrong they are antithetical to the truth.

    Shame on you for making such claims in the name of profiteering

    • Clearly you have misread and/or missunderstood the tutorial. Energetic pellets and briquettes can be made using solid biomass fuels such as wood, sawdust, grasses, straws, etc. Peat being a form of compressed dead vegitation can be regarded as an additive and mixed with many of these woody raw materials or commonly used as a soil conditioner. The tutorial discusses the use of Sphagnum Moss to create fuel peat based pellets. There are many varieties of Sphagnum moss, also known as peat moss, bog moss, etc, which can be used for the production of pellets for heating or the production of gases such as ethylene, or methanol as biofuels. The use of the terms: “Being environmentally friendly type of energy”, “eco-friendly features”, and “renewable energy” are all relevant in the context of the tutorial. As compared to burning raw coal, peat based fuel pellets are indeed enviromental friendly emitting lower emissions and greenhouse gases.

  • Sphagnum moss has a high carbon content making it ideal material for pellet and briquette production. These dense, long-burning briquettes/pellets can be used to heat homes or for cooking stoves instead off wood or coal or oil. But sphagnum peat moss is high in acidity and has the ability to absorb water so using it a fuel is not always a good idea. While sphagnum peat moss is technically a renewable resource, taking long period to grow, so once the peat moss wetlands are drained and damaged, they may never recover. Kimberly Richardson

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